
King Priyavrata was an important figure in Indian history. He was one of the sons of Manu, the first human of the Swayambhuva manvantara. He led the dynasty of many other great kings such as King Rishabhadeva and King Bharata. He is …


Madhura Geetham – Sloka Series  “Athichoodi” is a type of poetic work (in Tamil) that comprises of a collection of one-line philosophical verses. HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important …


Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught his disciples regarding Nama apachara (maligning the Divine Name of Bhagavan) and how it is an unforgivable sin. But where do our scriptures prove this? The answer to this question lies in the fourth canto where Shuka Muni tells Parikshit …


King Prithu was a descendant of Dhruva. After being informed that the people in his land were suffering from lack of food, strength, and happiness, he became disheartened. Mother Earth came to him in the form of a cow and …


Why is spiritual foundation for a child necessary? What is the difference between a child that grows imbued with spirituality versus the rest? How can we provide the much required dose of spiritual nourishment to the child in this day and age?


The Lord descended down as Kapila. This was the result of the sage Kardhama’s steadfast penance and the Lord’s compassion. He showered his grace on his mother Devahuti. Srimad Bhagavatam gives us a nectarine account of this story…. and a teenager from California retells the story for us.


Krishna Prasad Ram, 13, gives us a short and sweet account of why and how the Lord had to descend as a wild boar. In his own inimitable style, he speaks about Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and underlines the Lord’s compassion and grace. Varaha is an avatara of Leela (divine plays). Don’t miss the divine play of Lord Varaha in the life of Sri Swamiji as well!


HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important principles. This article speaks about “Aimpulan Adakku” – one of the Athichoodi verses.

The mind and the senses are related and affect each other. The five senses provide constant stimuli to the mind and in turn trigger different thoughts in our mind and keep the mind completely engaged. But this constant engagement is detrimental because it saps mental energy. Mental energy is akin to water flowing in a canal. If too many outlets are dug in a canal, the water gets diverted and the flow in the main canal decreases.
It is thus imperative that one should keep his senses in control in order to progress in spiritual life.


Rathanakar was a thief who was living in the forest with his family. He used to kill animals, robbed people to earn a living. One day, Sage Narada passed by the forest where Rathnakar was living. Sage Narada always chanted …


A person comes to Satsang somehow because of some punya (merits). There he even gets the association of a Mahan. He even develops an incomprehensible attraction towards the saint. He listens to the nectarine devotional discourses showered by him; he …


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