Sri Poornimaji’s Satsangs in Houston,TX

Sri Poornimaji conducted house satsangs during the weekend of May 1-3 in Houston.
On Friday, May 1, Sri Poornimaji spoke at the residence of Smt. Vani and Sri Ravi Tharmiya on the Lives of Saints. She elucidated on the exalted lives of saints and then specifically took the charitram of Sri Vallabhacharya and spoke about his greatness.

On Saturday, Poornimaji attended the year-end celebrations of Cypress Gopa Kuteeram, and made it a lively event with her active engagement of the children, while also having them perform impromptu plays.
She also addressed the parents inspiringly about the importance of providing the right ambience for the children’s growth.
Finally certificates, trophies and awards were given away to all the children.

On Sunday, May 3, Poornimaji spoke in Hindi on Bhagavan Naam Mahima to the devotees at Sri Radha Krishna Temple, Houston. She elaborated on important events from the life of Sri Tulsidasji and quoted extensively from his Sri Ramcharitmanas where he extols the greatness of the Divine Name.

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