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Quiz for this month will be based on Madhurageethams on Bhishma Yogeshwara. Sri Madhurageetham are the compilation of the Divine Compositions by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. 1. Name the Madhurageetham composed on Bhishma Yogeshwara. a. bhIShma pithAmaham …
We shall relish, little by little, the rasa in Sri Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in the form of ‘questions to relish’, which we call as a ‘quelish’, as shared by his disciple Sri Ramanujamji. (These …
In the early days of the Internet era, one fine day, Sri Swamiji jokingly mentioned that Maya, the divine deluding potency of Bhagavan, has taken a three-pronged incarnation in these times – TV, Cellphone, and the Internet! That was the …