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On January 1 every year, His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji conducts a Mahamantra Mass Prayer in a various cities in India. This year, the fortunate place was Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. The event was attended by 5000 people and …
Download the Newsletter (pdf) The Forgotten “Prayer” I go to many places to meet people, to pray for their well being and to pray for an early resolution of their problems. Sometimes in a casual discussion, I ask them, “What …
Our best friend and worst enemy, the mind, always aims to outsmart us. The sooner we learn its double agent nature, the better, because when we realize who we are up against, we’ll progress faster. Say we resolve to stop …
Spiritual questions answered by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q. India has the same earth, water and resources like other countries. When that is the case, what makes India ‘Holy’? A. Great saints have the same physical body like any common man. Would …