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Download the Newsletter (pdf) Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss (an excerpt from Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s discourse) Earning The Guru’s Affection Somehow earn the pleasure of a Mahatma and get him to accept you as his devotee. If that Mahan …
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10 avataras (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu are popularly known. Srimad Bhagavatam talks about 24 – including Buddha, Vyasa, Kapila and Sanatkumaras. The Lord came down to save the elephant king Gajendra from the clutches of the crocodile. The Name that the Lord took in this …
The Ramayana can be compared in various aspects to the Mahabharata, the other epic of the Sanatana Dharma, in order to understand its greatness. Mahabharata portrays the sacrifice of Yudhishtira, who goes to the forest because he lost his kingdom …
Mind and Matters- 3 Our mind actually has us convinced that happiness lies in pleasing the senses (preyas). We have been conditioned thus – not only in this life, but over millions of past births as well. Such conditioning happens …
Infinite ways to Infinite Bliss Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam, at the very outset says: ‘Chintaamanir-loka-sukham suradruhu swargasampadam; prayacchati guruhu preeto Vaikuntam yogidurlabam’ — Chintamani bestows worldly desires; Kalpakavruksha even the comforts of heaven but Vaikuntam, rare even for Yogis, is attained …