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Wander Like the Dead! A devotee from Indonesia posed a beautiful question to Sri Swamiji, for which Sri Swamiji too gave a wonderful answer: “Sri Swamiji, I have heard it said – ‘Learn to live with a feeling that I’m dead, …
In Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Shuka extols the extraordinary glories of Bhagavan. King Parikshit’s very first questions paved the way for this -“What is to be listened to? What is to be chanted? What is to be remembered? What is to …
This series chronicles sweet and amazing experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published …
This month’s quiz is on the famous Nalanda University, one of world’s most ancient universities and once a thriving center of higher education in India.
HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important principles. This article speaks about “Aimpulan Adakku” – one of the Athichoodi verses.
The mind and the senses are related and affect each other. The five senses provide constant stimuli to the mind and in turn trigger different thoughts in our mind and keep the mind completely engaged. But this constant engagement is detrimental because it saps mental energy. Mental energy is akin to water flowing in a canal. If too many outlets are dug in a canal, the water gets diverted and the flow in the main canal decreases.
It is thus imperative that one should keep his senses in control in order to progress in spiritual life.