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Bhakta Mira Bai – The Queen who loved Giridhari 1. In which century was Mira Bai born? a. 15th century b. 16th century c. 17th century 2. Mira Bai was known to be a _____________ queen. a. Rajput b. Pandya …
Sri Swamiji, in a recent discourse, beautifully explained what it means to see God, how Mahatmas saw God, and clearly delineated the pre-requisites, steps and process by which even we can see God. Read the below excerpt from his discourse …
This series was originally published in Tamil MadhuraMurali monthly magazine in India, as a 12-part series. Based on Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageetham, “Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbamamma Engal Kudumbam”, it speaks beautifully of how the family members of our satsang lead/need to lead …