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It was an onset of another school year full of exciting challenges and learning. Both students and parents need strength to face them and move forward. What more can give us strength than prayers!!!! Virginia Namadwaar conducted a special commencement …
With the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Shri Poornimaji’s satsang at Virginia started on Friday, February 3rd 2012 with an interactive session with students at University of Virginia. There were several students from different countries like India, Afghanistan and Nepal, …
Dr Leena Tanejaji who runs classes on Asian Religions at the Stetson University in Florida invited Ramanujamji for a special series of lectures for her students. On Feb 19th, In keeping with the GOD’s goal of serving the humanity through …
On Friday Jan 29th, at around 6:30 pm, Mr. Ramanujam addressed the undergrad students of Harvard University on the topic “Hinduism and the Conceptof Bliss”. The talk was arranged by the “Dharma” group at Harvard. The talk was well tuned to the …
On Wednesday Jan 27th, Ramanujamji addressed the Undergrad students of Boston College. At about 7:30 pm, around 60 students gathered at the hall for an interesting discussion on “Happiness and the spirit of Inclusion”. The South Asian Students Association of Boston …