Sant Meera Discourse in Maryland

On October 29th 2017, Sunday evening Shri PoornimaJi’s discourse took place at the residence of Smt Hamsaji and Sri Balaji ji in Maryland. She spoke about the life history of Sant Meera. It was a motive speech, narrating all the incidents from Meera’s life, from how she got her Giridhari and fondled him always. All of them present there were touched by Meera mathas steadfast devotion and bhakthi even during the hard times in her life. Poornimaji also sang some of Meera bhajans. They were not only melodious but filled with bhakthi & bhavam. It was touching to hear how Meera matha became one with her lord Gridhara Gopaĺ. All of them thoroughly enjoyed the lecture. Dinner Prasad was served after aarthi.

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