With the divine grace of God and the blessings of the Guru, Global Organization for Divinity (GOD) presents the Annual Spiritual Discourse Series for 2008. Similar to 2007’s event, this series will be a grand series of discourses and lectures on various topics glorifying the Sanatana Dharma, Nama Kirtan and Vedanta. he aim of this is to spread the greatness of our Sanatana Dharma to the Indians living abroad, as well as to our American friends belonging to other countries and races.
In addition to spiritual discourses, a variety of youth educational programs, which includes personality development and enablement lectures in schools and colleges, mainly catering to children and young adults are also being planned.
Living in a far away land, separated from Hindu culture and tradition by thousands of miles, it is but difficult to inculcate our cultural values to kids. As a part of this program, special day-long ‘Bala Vihars’ and Kids retreat are also being planned. These activities will go a long way in imparting human and cultural values to kids, in a ‘play-and-learn’ mode.
The 2008 Discourse Series will be held during Fall – 2008, starting September 26, 2008!
Houston Thanksgiving Saptaha Maha Yagna: Poster-1 Poster-2 Day-Schedule
Program Reports
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