With the divine grace of God and the blessings of the Guru HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, Global Organization for Divinity (GOD) presents the Annual Spiritual Discourse Series for 2013. Similar to earlier years, this is a grand series of discourses and lectures on various topics glorifying the Sanatana Dharma, Nama Kirtan and Bhagavata Dharma. The aim of this is to spread the greatness of our Sanatana Dharma to the Indians living abroad, as well as to our American friends belonging to other countries and races.
Sri Ramanujamji, a senior disciple of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, who is touring the US between September and December 2013 will conduct in addition to spiritual discourses, a variety of youth educational programs, which includes personality development and enablement lectures in schools and colleges, mainly catering to children and young adults across different parts of the country.
Program Reports
- Houston Namadwaar
- Dallas Metroplex
- Seattle
- ‘A Garland of Love-Aksharamanamalai’ Discourse at Bhaktananda Ashram, Seattle
- Sri Ramanujamji’s visit to ‘The Center for Sacred Heart’, Seattle
- 'Bhagavatha Dharma' discourse series in Seattle, WA
- Radha Kalyanam in Seattle, WA
- Minneapolis
- Bhakti Sankirtan at Amanae and Frequencies of Brilliance Center in twin cities, MN
- Rukmini Kalyanam at Hindu Temple of Minneapolis,MN
- Sangeetha Upanyasam and Divya Nama Sankirtan in Minneapolis, MN