Sri Ramanujamji’s satsang programs in Minneapolis had a great start. The first session was ‘Sangeetha Upanyasam and Divya Nama Sankirtan’ on Friday, November 8th 2013 at the residence of Sri.Balasubramanian and Mrs.Priya Murali. The event started off with recitation of select pAsurams from the Dravida Vedam – The ‘Nalayira Divya Prabandham’. This was followed by a ‘Sangeetha Upanyas’ by Sri. Ramanujam Ji and Lakshmi ji enunciating the divya charitamrutham of Sri Swamiji, right from His childhood days up until now, where He is propagating the message of harmony and universality through His messages. Dinner Prasadam was served to all. This was followed by Divya Nama Sankeerthan from the traditional Sampradaya Bhajan Paddhati and Madhuragitams composed by Sri Sri Swamiji. About 55 people attended the satsang.