Sri Ramanujamji concluded his Seattle trip with a wonderfully inspiring discourse on the Aksharamanamalai at the Bhaktananda Ashram in Lake Forest Park, around 20 miles from Seattle on Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 at 7:45PM. The attendees were a group of caucasian kirtan enthusiasts who meet weekly on Wednesdays. They had dedicated one of their Wednesday slots to listen to and be inspired by Sri Ramanujamji. There were about 15 kirtan lovers who had assembled there.
Before the pravachan, everyone gathered chanted “Arunachala Shiva” for a few minutes. As part of the discourse, Sri Ramanujamji beautifully picked out verses from the Aksharamanamalai and explained how Bhagavan Ramana Mahararishi, a practitioner of Atma Vicharam Himself, had praised the path of kirtan (Bhakthi). He then went on to explain how there are infinite ways to reach God but the path of kirtan is an easy way that is loved dearly by God. After the 45 minute discourse, everyone rejoiced with various Krishna namavalis.