On October 18th and 19th 2012, Sri Ramanujamji gave a two day discourse on Inner Transformation at Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth, a Shirdi Sai Center in North Billerica near Boston. Based on Srimad Bhagavatam, this lecture series dealt with how transforming internally would automatically bring in transformation in the world. On the first day, it was shown that conflicts arise in day to day life is because people confuse means and end and the importance of ‘listening’ was discussed. On the second day, Sri Ramanujamji took instances from Srimad Bhagavatam to show how divinity slowly flowers in an individual through gratitude and humility and transforms into the supreme state of divine love and how Nama Sankirtan smoothly facilitates this flowering.
Around 70 people enjoyed the discourse series and took back the ‘prasad’ of Mahamantra during this auspicious Navaratri season.
Sri Sandeep Srivatsava and Mrs. Hema Nagarajan of Dwarkamai helped organize this event jointly with GOD USA.