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To those who chant the Divine Name, Lord Krishna of Udupi bestows ample food, Lord Srinivasa of Tirupathi bestows enough wealth, Lord Panduranga merrily dances to the tunes of their Kirtan. What else should one worry about? | HH Sri …


People always bother about the destination. Instead, it would be wiser if one were to take care that one is on the right path and is journeying along the same correctly | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Our place should be clean, the food we take should be pure, the clothes we wear should be clean; our body should be kept clean and fresh. Of what use are these if our mind is not clean? Singing the …


Love to live Live to love | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Giving up enquiry into and analysis of the various affairs of the world if you would analyse yourself, your faults and inquire into the corrective steps to be taken in this direction you can attain the Lord. This is certain. …


Selfishness throws you far from the Self; Selflessness brings you closer to the Self. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

For some, life is a burden For some, aversion For some, indifference For some, responsibility For some, a duty For some, a game For some, life is a challenge For some, grief For some, fearful For some, an achievement For …


For a good Bhakta the very thought of the Lord or the Guru itself is joy (‘smarane sukham’)! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

When confronted by an enemy, if we push him away, he would gather a crowd of his people in support and return for a fight. Likewise, if when I try to push away desire and anger they come right back …


‘I” represents the ego and ” O” represents universality. If we replace the “I” in “living” with “O”, it will become “loving” indeed! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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