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One who is attached to worldly pleasures does worship, japa, yoga, sacrificial rites, charity, renovation of temples, annadana etc with the sole intention of attaining the desired fruits. He will be utterly disappointed and sad if he does not attain …


God is great! Belief in god is greater! Faith in god is the greatest! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A Gnani can identify a Gnani A Bhaktha can identify a Bhaktha A Yogi can identify a Yogi, Nobody else! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

We like to wear dresses of varied colors; we like to eat different cuisines. The Lord being a ‘rasika’ also sports different forms and names in the same way. What is wrong with that? | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Though children are attracted to play they do their schoolwork out of fear for their parents. But, later on in their lives they enjoy the fruit. Similarly, all the good work that one does to earn the affection of the …


A disciple who had received ‘upadesa’ (initiation) of Gayatri Mantra from a ‘Uttama Guru’ did not embrace asceticism (‘sanyãs’), though he was a deserving candidate. A Sadhu asked the reason for this. The disciple explained, “It is the rule that …


Just as a good father thinks of somehow making his child study even if he has to use various means – petting, pleading, beating or threatening, so too does the Lord think of bestowing Jnãna on His true Bhakta even …


A spiritual aspirant tries to attain the Lord by various different means and struggles hard to attain a spiritual experience. But, in the case of ‘Avatara Purushas’, the Lord Himself bestows them with all the divine experiences. Without them having …


Those who read Srimad Bhagavatam need not read Bhagavat Gita separately because Sage Veda Vyasa has written Srimad Bhagavatam as a commentary for the Bhagavat Gita. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Living with a Saint is entirely different from reading about a Saint | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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