Blog Archives

We find that a man blessed with all comforts in life remains drowned in liquor, in spite of many things of joy in the outside world. This is proof enough that joy earned from ‘within’ is greater than that earned …


An orphan is not one who has no parents but one who has no Guru! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Mahans will never, knowingly or unknowingly, punish anyone for the wrong done. They do not know to punish. To ‘teach a lesson’ is not in their nature. All that they know to teach is Bhagavata dharma! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

What is the point of leading lives filled with compromises trying to gain the acceptance of all in the world? The only one who should accept us is God. Let us lead lives with that focus alone! | HH Sri …


We celebrate birthdays merrily with the perception that it is growth in terms of age. Do we stop for a moment and realize that it actually also means that the time left for us to realize God in this lifetime …


Equality, simplicity, and purity prevail in the presence of true saints. | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

The temple authorities bestow special attention and honour on the rich and the powerful who visit the temple in an ostentatious manner. But, the Lord does not even look at them. A Bhakta stands in some corner of the temple …


‘G’ stands for Generator, ‘O’ for Operator and ‘D’ for Destroyer. GOOD has two ‘O’s ; When you think there are two Operators – one being the Almighty and the other being you, that is GOODNESS. When you realize that …


Bhakti shows the Lord. But, where does one find Bhakti? In the Lord? No! Not in Him! In temples? No! Not in temples! Only in the company of a Bhakta! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

In gratitude to the Grace bestowed on me by Bhagavaan I intensified my japa and dhyaana. But, I realized that here again Bhagavaan bestowed their ‘phala’ (fruits) on me! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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