Blog Archives

A person rendering services as desired by the Mahatma, with bhakti and ‘shraddha’, need not grieve for not performing japa or dhyana. The devoted service that he renders encompasses all these! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Coffee tastes bitter, in spite of containing sugar, if drunk after eating some sweet dish. Likewise, one who has experienced the great joy of Bhagavat darshan is unable to enjoy worldly matters. The experience of the one who says that …


The Lord knows how, through whom and when a work has to be done. We should learn to live happily, placing all the burdens on His Holy Feet. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A snake bites if one goes close to it, while a scorpion stings. If hit by a stone a dog chases the person and bites him, which is also poisonous. For all these, a person needs medical aid. The wild …


Man and animal are similar in many aspects. Feelings of hunger, sleep, sexual desire, joy and sorrow are common to both. But the animal does not possess man’s intellect. The animal cannot turn its vision inward and see the God. …


The rose shuns the pink(rose) colour from amongst all the colours of the light. It absorbs the other colours within it. But, it is this pink colour shunned by the flower that brings fame and glory to it. Likewise, when …


Do not be a burden to Mother Earth. When do you become a burden to Prithvi (Earth)? Whenever you fail to chant the Divine Names or do Atma vichara! If you chant the Divine Names or do Ãtma vichãra you …


Rather than having expectations, it is always good to accept whatever comes. | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

The worst of all vices is moving away from your spiritual path. The purpose of creation is only attainment of liberation. Therefore, every time you move away from your spiritual path you are committing the worst crime! | – HH …


One should constantly repeat the names of God irrespective of any activity that he/she might be involved in. Every moment of our life that is spent without the thought of God is indeed a waste. | –  HH Sri Sri …


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