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Silver or gold kavacha (armour) may be offered to the Lord, or even a Rãjagopuram (temple tower) built by a wealthy man individually or through concerted effort. But rare indeed it is, to offer a single Tulasi or Bilwã leaf …


Salutations Unto to those Saints like Samartha Rãmadãs, Nãmadev, Tukkãrãm, Thyãgarãja, Meerã, Purandara Dasã, Chokamela, Gnãneswar, who lived in utter poverty but were highly dispassionate by nature without any desire for mutt, wealth, royal honour or fame; through constant meditation …


To attain the ‘siddi'(potency) of the mantra to detoxify the scorpion sting one has to do japa of that mantra incessantly. Only then can he be successful. Instead if he chants the mantra only at the time he is about …


Faith is wealth. When there is no faith even if God Himself were to appear before us we will ignore Him and thus lose Him. But, if we possess faith, God will appear even in a stone and speak to …


A Guru is like a sugar coated pill. With a deep desire for the sweetness we put it into the mouth too quickly. But then we are neither able to swallow it nor spit it out! Yet it has to …


It is true that people in spiritual life also suffer from problems. While in general, people find it difficult to swim across an ocean, the fishermen, due to practice, are adept in crossing over. Similarly those who are in Satsang( …


While appearing in an examination  a student who wishes to perform well in the examination,  plans his available time meticulously keeping in mind the  questions left to be answered.  Likewise, we must spend every passing moment of our precious human …


Who is a ‘gunavan’ (the virtuous)? Only one who exerts efforts to control and destroy the mind is a ‘gunavan’! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

It is impossible for you to understand the actions of a Mahatma; but it is sufficient to understand that whatever He does, it will be only for your good. | – His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

People speak of seven wonders of the world. But, these are not the real wonders. The real wonder is the way the Mahans wander about in this world, in spite of their high state! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara …


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