Prayers are powerful! Extraordinarily powerful are prayers powered by Nama – the Mahamantra. It can liberate you from sins and the misery of the cycle of births and deaths. In your current life, Nama can also relieve you of pain, grief and sorrow.
Prayers with the special ‘Mahamantra’ chant can provide healing in ways beyond one’s imagination. It provides for healing in three dimensions – physical, mental and metaphysical. Disabilities, deformities and injuries of the body and mind caused by various natural and incidental factors can be healed by sincere and regular communion with the divine, through the powerful language of the Divine Name – the Mahamantra. The blemishes on our life’s past that give us untold misery in body and mind, the viscous attractions around us that lead us astray through every happening moment of our life and the reflections of the past that translate into uncertainties of the future which are the cause of fear leading to mental depression – Steadfast practice of the chanting of the Mahamantra has been proved a cure to all these ills. Here are a few stories corroborating this.
Over and above these, prayers with the Mahamantra chant provides clarity in the mind, sharpens the intellect and demystifies the problem in front of us, and this is simply the key to solving problems in life.
The proof of the pudding is in eating it. We facilitate people to embrace the practice of regular chanting towards healing and transformation. Towards this, our volunteers visit schools, universities, prisons, old age homes, orphanages, hospitals and numerous other places providing this prayer service.
Alternatively, we also perform prayers at our own center – Namadwaar – the powerhouse of the Divine Name for any request of yours.
If you are in deep trouble, pain or sorrow, or have a genuine desire to be fulfilled, Prayers with the Mahamantra can help you.
Please fill out this form and send it to us. Prayers will be performed at the Namadwaar in Houston TX in the USA with Mahamantra Kirtan beseeching the Almighty for quick resolution of your problem or fulfillment of your desire. We sincerely hope and pray that your afflictions are cured/problems are resolved by the power of the Mahamantra, grace of God and blessings of our Sadguru His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
Your information will be kept confidential. Once you submit the form below, your request will be reviewed and you will be contacted soon.