Narasimha Jayanti and monthly Swati Satsang:
“With the boundless grace of Sri Premika Varadhan – Madhuri Sakhi and Sri SwamiJi, Namadwaar Virginia celebrated Narasimha Jayanti and monthly Swati Satsang online via Zoom on 24th May 2021
Since November 2020 Namadwaar Virginia has been offering Srimad Bhagavata Nakshatra parayanam to Sri SwamiJi.
The deities were beautifully adorned with jewels and garlands. The satsang started with Maha mantra kirtan. Then Sadguru Panchakam was recited. The devotees took turns to recite Srimad Bhagavata dhyana slokas and Narasimha Avathara, chapter 8 from canto 7 from Srimad Bhagavatam. This was followed by pushparchana to Guru, Narasimha, Lakshmi and Krishna. Following the archana, Guru kirtans, many madhurageethams on nama mahima, Lord Narasimha, Krishna, Radha and Yugala kirtans were rendered.
Then as a part of Nakshatra parayanam poorthi last two chapters from Srimad Bhagavatam, 12.12 and 12.13 were recited. Then the devotees also recited the 12th chapter from Bhagavad Gita. Vishnusahasranama was also recited. After that prayer kirtans and Anjaneyar kirtans were rendered. The satsang concluded with kaliyayum bali kollum keerthan and Maha Arthi. It was a blissful satsang and around 35 devotees attended and felt blessed. 30 dedicated bhagavathas participating in Nithya Parayanam and Swati Nakshathra Bhagavatha Parayanam since Nov 2020. Prayers to Sri Swamiji to bless us with more Satsangs.
Nava Vrindavan 3rd Anniversary:
Sri Swamiji blessed us with Nava Vrindavan on the auspicious day of Vaikasi Anusham in 2018.
With Sri Swami Ji’s blessings and Sri Premika Varadhan – Madhuri Sakhi’s grace, Namadwaar Virginia did a Gratitude Nama, prayers for the well-being of everyone in this Universe on Wednesday, May 26th, from 3:30 pm to 7 pm. This was followed by Kirtans on Guru, Maha Periyava. Satsang ended with Kaliyayum kirtan and Arti.
Hare Krishna, Kerala association in Florida is planning on sampoorna Bhagavata saptaham. We seek one or two people who can recite Srimad Bhagavatam from the Beginning to the End. People planning to come from India got canceled. If you have anyone in your group willing to help us, please contact me – 571-331-2011. or email to