Blog Archives
Click here to read the report of G.O.D.’s 8th Annual Madhura Utsav held at Houston Namadwaar, on the IAN website.
Click here to read the report of G.O.D.’s 8th Annual Madhura Utsav held at Houston Namadwaar, on the India Herald website.
The Houston Chronicle/Pearland Journal published a report of “Shaking Hands Across Continents” Western-Indian music ensemble program held in Pearland on Nov 7, 2015. Click here to read the article on the Chronicle website.
The Indo-American News published a report of “Shaking Hands Across Continents” Western-Indian music ensemble program held in Pearland on Nov 7, 2015. Click here to read the article on the IAN website.
Indo-American News covered Houston Namadwaar’s 5th anniversary celebration. Click here to read their article on the Indo-American News website
India herald published an article on the 5th anniversary celebration of Namadwaar. click here to read the article in India Herald News website
The Pearland Journal published a report of Houston Namadwaar’s fifth anniversary celebrations. Click here to read the article in the Pearland Journal website
The Pearland Journal published a report of the Annual Spiritual and Cultural retreat conducted at Namadwaar during the last week of the year 2014. Click here to read the article in the Pearland Journal website
Voice of Asia published a report of Houston Namadwaar’s 7th Annual Srimad Bhagavata Mahotsava. Click here to read their article on the Voice of Asia website