Minneapolis GOD Chapter has transformed the suburbs of Twin Cities into streets of Mylapore during the Marghazi season this year for five weeks starting December 20th, 2015 to January 17th, 2016 with Kolams, Classical music, dance, rendering of Thiruppavais, Ashtapadis, Harikatha, Kirtans, and Bhajans. Bhagavathas in Twin Cities has experienced a feeling of warmth, festivity, and positive vibes when this festival was celebrated in an intimate, home setting. This celebration of the intersection of art, community, and spirituality has laid down a wonderful platform for all the young artists of ‘post-arangetram’ caliber across the country to inspire many upcoming artists.
The Ashtapadi renditions by Raga Kids – an initiative by Minnesota Gopa Kuteeram, where young children has nourished everyone with timeless classical compositions of great Mahatmas and Bhagavatas.
The soulful concerts in Senthamizh drenched in Bhakti rasa, reverberating cracker swars with attractive koraippu, meditative phrases all emphasizing the glory of Bhagavan Nama (be it Muruga, Devi, or Krishna) has left everyone enthralled!
The Harikatha and Sangeetha Upanyasam by the very own trios of Minneapolis GOD Chapter enrapturing narration of Andal’s Prema bhakti towards Krishna interjected with renditions of divine Pasurams and Madhuragitams, simply left everyone craving for more katha and sankirtanam!
When the temperatures in Minnesota went sub-Antarctic, the warmth of these intimate Satsangs was what kept everyone going and made this festival a grand success! All Glories to our Guru Maharaj, His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji without whose parama Krupa, a Satsang of this scale and many degrees of fulfillment could never have been possible!