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When things go wrong, One with Thamasic nature blames God for the same and claims that he is not responsible for it; One with Rajasic nature will complain that God made him do such a mistake and worry; Whereas, one …


Disability is not limited to the physical body alone. True disability is mental weakness and suspicious nature | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

When there is huge crowd standing before the onlooker, it will not be possible for him to see just one person. Many in the crowd will ineviatably fall in his field of vision. Similarly, God’s divine sight is always focussed …


How loving and merciful is Lord Krishna? You surrender to Him with the thought ‘this Lord lifted Govardana, drank up the forest fire, killed Putana, therefore, He can protect me from the dangers of life’. But, what happens? Loving and …


A piece of iron cannot be easily broken, but when it is exposed to moisture, over time, gets transformed into rust and flakes away.  Likewise, the mind, which is hard to destroy, when exposed to the grace of the Guru …


In one, the fate acts only through his intellect, mind and the sense of ‘I’ (ego). For one who relies not on his own intellect but on the Lord’s intelligence, surrenders his mind to the Lord and puts ‘God’ in …


For those who have advanced well in spirituality, the mind will verily become the Guru and lead them. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

One day, the mind would be filled with devotion; on another day, it would long for the worldly pleasures;  on another day, it would renounce everything.  The great Maya called the ‘Mind’ can be brought under control slowly only through …


When Lord Krishna tolerates your innumerable sins, why cannot you tolerate the mistakes of others? | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

All those who can think above and beyond the level of the normal human mind that confines itself within a tiny radius, are greater souls indeed, to that extent – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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