Blog Archives

I admire the philosophy which makes me realize that I have been liberated in my lifetime itself. | HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Those who do not chant the Divine Names of God  are seeking help from outside. Those who chant the Divine Names of God receive help from within. | HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A medical doctor decides if a person is alive or dead by checking for the presence of pulse and heart beat. However, as far as Sadhus are concerned, one is alive as long as he/she chants the Divine Names of …


In the path of Karma, and in the path of formal worship (pooja), we find that there are a lot of restrictions related to cleanliness and purity of body. Whereas in the path of Dhyaana and in the path of …


A few are interested in developing their body; a few are interested in developing their knowledge. But knowingly or unknowingly all are developing their vasanas (latent tendencies). | HH Maharanyam Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

At the time of death, one experiences an unimaginable and indescribable pain. It disturbs the mind. Innumerable waves of thoughts traverse the disturbed mind. At that time, the very final thought determines one’s next birth. | HH Maharanyam Sri Muralidhara …


We call it a magnet when it attracts iron, and when it indicates direction, we call it a magnetic needle. Both are the same. Likewise, we say a collection of thoughts is the mind; and the contemplation/analysis of thoughts is …


When a rich person keeps giving away money, (s)he becomes poor. Likewise, a person of strength using that strength all the time, becomes weak. We know not since when Krishna has been showering His grace, but it has not even …


Whilst the entire world tried to explore into the object,  our ancient Rishis alone explored into the subject. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Condemning bad alone  is not enough. Appreciating good is also needed to avoid bad in the future | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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