Blog Archives

Once a person complained to me, “In my office all my colleagues are totally uncooperative”. I told him, “Be affectionate to all. This will surely bring about a drastic change.” After some time he came to me and said, “As …


A person who works for a wealthy man is relaxed with the thought that the employer would take care of all his needs, be it his daughter’s marriage or son’s education. He enjoys a sense of security in the mere …


While deeply meditating on God we should pray for forgiveness for all the sins committed due to latent impressions. Further, we should seek His help for abstaining from these. Such sincere prayers will surely be answered. | HH Sri Sri …


Just as a snake is waiting to swallow the frog, Yama (the Lord of death) is waiting to carry out his duty. We know not when we will meet with death. And when death occurs, none – wealth, titles, power, …


As far as possible our sadhana and bhakti should be kept concealed, for, others’ praise and honour shown to us are but blocks in our sadhana. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A person who works for a wealthy man is relaxed with the thought that the employer would take care of all his needs, be it his daughter’s marriage or son’s education. He enjoys a sense of security in the mere …


Our science of astronomy is proof enough of our Saints’ ‘divya drishti’ (power to perceive things beyond). The modern scientists have proved each and every prediction of theirs, given through their power of meditation, right. The Shastras are those given …


Though the fact is that it is only our devotion (love) to God that comes back to us as ‘GRACE’, the RETURN is immeasurably higher than our devotion; just as the light that falls on the mirror is reflected manifold. …


In Treta Yuga Rama was required to redeem Ahalya. However, in Kali Yuga Rama Naama (the Divine Name of Rama) would suffice! | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Be it the Alwars or the Naayanmaars or other great devotees, they looked upon their ‘Ishta Devata’ (Personal God) only as the essence of the Vedas. In other words, all of them perceived the Vedas Itself as their deity of …


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