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World peace is in your word and that word is the Divine Name of Lord. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

The very purpose of performing rites and rituals is to attain chitta shuddhi, i.e., purity of thought. If these karmas are performed in an incorrect manner with a lot of compromise, for self-interest and pomp, with pride and hypocrisy, not …


If a jasmine plant grows in a ‘nandavanam’, it has the fortune of being offered to God. If it grows in a park, its beauty and fragrance are appreciated by the visitors. If it grows in a garden, it might …


Where there is lust, there is no Lord. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

One’s mere presence near the flower will suffice to get its fragrance. Likewise, merely remaining in the Sadhu’s presence is enough to feel the divinity. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

If you develop love it is meditation. If you chant you shall develop love. So chanting is nothing but meditation. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

The heart beat and the pulse are examined by doctors through the appropriate instruments. Similarly through inward directed vision and focussed mind, the ‘Anahata’ sound and ‘aham spurana’ can be experienced | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

The salt, sugar and the fat in our food affect the organs in the body like the heart, the kidney and the eyes. Mind is also an internal organ. The saltiness, sourness and spices in our food affect this internal …


A true devotee expects grace from the Lord like a lover expecting a gift from the beloved. The Sadhak expects grace from the Lord like an employee expecting the wages from the Master. | HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

A person’s bad temper is reflected in his words – he throws tantrums. Likewise, God’s anger is reflected as the natural calamities – drought, flood, and earthquake and so on. If we know the cause of the person’s anger, it …


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