Rama Nama is divine nectar. Ramayana is divine nectar. Rama Himself is divine nectar. Don’t we even name (a child) ‘Ramamrutham’? Can you find the name ‘Krishnamrutham’ or ‘Sivamrutham’? Well! How is it that in Rama alone is found this sweetness of nectar? Was He not born off ‘payasam’? Did not Kausalya conceive and give birth to Him after drinking the holy ‘payasa’ prasad that was received during the ‘putra kameshtti yaga’? Does not Purandara dasa sing, ‘Rama Nama payasakke’ (to the ‘payasa’ of Rama’s Name)? We speak of the very Name of Rama tasting sweet like the sugar candy. Is not sugar candy the sweet got out of squeezing sugarcane!
Innumerable poets have sung on Rama or the whole Ramayana in all the languages of the country. What is the reason for this? Though there be any number of sweet dishes viz. laddu, jilebi, halwa, etc., is not sugar the one basic ingredient to be added to them all? It is verily Rama who is that sugar! | Kanchi Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamiji