All work that we carry on has a selfish drive (‘swartham’) behind it. We befriend or get acquainted with someone with the motive that he might help us in securing a job or help us in our business. We befriend a wealthy man or a man of ‘power’ as it bestows a status on us in society. Or we move with a person, as he is affectionate towards us. There is a selfish motive behind every move of ours. What is the basis for the ‘swartham’? the Mind! This same selfish motive is practiced with God, too. We move with God with some expectation. This is not Bhakti (devotion). This will not take you to Jnana. Jnana is born only where there is no selfish motive. Bhakti is born only where there is no selfish motive. | — HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji