
The Pandavas were very pious, brave, lived a righteous life and were adored by all. Above all they were ardent devotees of Lord Sri Krishna, who was their cousin, and hence had Him on their side. The Kauravas, who lacked …


Answers and beyond… Spiritual questions answered by Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji Q.  How can I best express my love for God? A: When a person has wealth, he is ready to share it only with his kids and none others. …


Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss In this section, we present excerpts from the discourses/essays of Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India. None of us like to be debtors, but surprising as it may sound, every human being is a …


Brahma is the Lord of creation. Knowledge (’vidya’) is the basis for creation. So Saraswati is his consort and she is said to reside in the tongue of Brahma. Lord Vishnu sustains the world; to support this work, the primary …


How beautiful is the institution of a family! The father being tough and rigorous ensures the intellectual nourishment of the child and the mother compliments by providing love and care. How would it be if this institution was applicable on …


Infinite ways to Infinite Bliss Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam, at the very outset says: ‘Chintaamanir-loka-sukham suradruhu swargasampadam; prayacchati guruhu preeto Vaikuntam yogidurlabam’ — Chintamani bestows worldly desires; Kalpakavruksha even the comforts of heaven but Vaikuntam, rare even for Yogis, is attained …


Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss In this section, we present excerpts from the discourses of His Holiness Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India. In commemoration of Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi, which falls on 29 October 2008, in this issue we present his …


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered Indian saints of the twentieth century, is known for his advocation of the Advaitic path of Self Enquiry as a way to liberation. But there is another path that he gave …


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered Indian saints of the twentieth century, is known for his advocation of the Advaitic path of Self Enquiry as a way to liberation. But there is another path that he gave equal importance and credibility to, …


Book Review: A Search in Secret India Author: Paul Brunton Publisher: Srishti Publishers & Distributors To get a chance to read this book is in itself a blessing. Paul Brunton’s account of his travels in India in the first half …


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