This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine.
Sweet memories chronicled by Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman
My Guru As I See Him
Compassion of a Mahatma works wonders!
When someone comes and shares their problems, Sri Swamiji does not recommend any atonements or expiation. He puts them at ease and comforts them or consoles them saying God would protect them. Even if someone talks about their illness, he would just listen to them with a compassionate smile. Sometimes, he would say that everything would be all right. While writing about these, I am reminded of how Sri Swamiji was gracious to a devotee named Sri Babu.
The entire family of Sri Babu was ardently devoted to Sri Swamiji and so was Sri Babu. Once he developed a swelling in his cheeks suddenly. The swelling did not subside despite numerous medications. Despite various treatments by the doctors, there was no improvement. Some doctors suggested that it could be treated by plastic surgery. Some doctors were of the opinion that it could be cancerous and that biopsy needed to be performed.
Sri Swamiji suggested the name of a physician of homeopathic medicine to Sri Babu and told him to take treatment from him. The swelling subsided when Sri Babu went to the doctor for treatment.
A lady devotee used to come for Sri Swamiji’s darshan. Her husband did not believe in sadhus and mahatmas. So he was not particularly delighted with his wife attending Sri Swamiji’s satsang. No matter how much she rationalized with her husband, he was not inclined to come either.
One day, the lady cried to Sri Swamiji saying, “My husband restricts me from attending your satsang. So sometimes I have to fight with him to come or come without his knowledge. I do not know what to do”.
Sri Swamiji replied “It is wrong to come like that. Stay at home and keep doing nama kirtan. We have the path of nama kirtan for us. Keep doing that without fail. Everything happens according to the Lord’s will. Bhagavan will bless that you both come to satsang as a couple.”
Just as Sri Swamiji said, after sometime, her husband, of his own accord, asked if they could go and have Sri Guruji’s darshan. The devotee’s joy knew no bounds upon hearing this. Nowadays, they are both involved in satsang as a couple.
Article originally published in the Madhuramurali Magazine, Jun 1996.
Translated by Mangala Gowri Sridhar, Jacksonville FL