Cherished Memoirs 94 – My Guru As I See Him
This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine.
This month’s article is by Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman, from Madhuramurali magazine, Aug 1997 issue.
Divyadesams and Divine Presence
Nityasooris are those who eternally dwell in Sri Vaikuntam with the Lord Paramapadanath. They are also called Divyasooris. They incarnated in this world due to their infinite mercy and sang with reverence, the holy abodes of the Lord that are called Divyadesams. Those hymns are called Divya Prabandam and the compilation of those hymns are also called Nalayira (4000) Divya Prabandam.
Recently, our Sri Swamiji visited the places of six Divyadesams near Seergaazhi – Thiruthevanaarthogai, Thiruvaali, Thirunagari, Thiruchemponseikoil, Thiruthetriyambalam, Thiruvanpurudoththamam, Thiruppaarthanpalli.
Above temples have no proper clothes for the Lord. There are no cooks to serve in the temple kitchen as well. Temples are also in a sorry state. There is no adequate supply of all basic needs for daily pooja such as flowers. The state of affairs is such that one priest has to take care of two to three temples. Our Sri Swamiji’s grievance is that even devotees who come by car from cities like Chennai or Mumbai, to get darshan of these divyadesams do not ponder upon the state of these temples but only care about the count of divyadesams that they have visited, which have been sung by the Azhwars.
Even though our Sri Swamiji has been to many temples in a dimmer state, the condition of these temples affected him dearly. Since Sri Swamiji dreamed during the night of his visit to these temples, that each of the deities of these divyadesams appeared and spoke to him, it provides a solace that the divine presence (saanidhyam) is still there. As the divine presence increases, all the festivities happen resplendently. As the divine presence decreases, the festivities also dwindle. It is indeed necessary to lay granite, marble, lay pipes and dig wells in temples. But still, this does not mean that there is divine presence in the temple and that is the viewpoint of our Sri Swamiji.
The more Satsangs, Parayanam, and Namasankeertan happens in the temple, the more does divine presence increase. So, Sri Swamiji has ordained our Satsang members to go to the above-mentioned temples and do Namasankeertan there. It is also our Sri Swamiji’s desire that each individual that reads this article, should do Namasankeertan in these temples when they get opportunities to visit these temples and volunteer for service according to their ability.
Original Tamil article published in Madhuramurali Magazine, Aug 1997 issue
Chronicled by Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman
Translated by Smt. Mangala Gowri Sridhar, Jacksonville FL
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