In this series, we present, each month, a prayer kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans underline the importance of prayers and show us how to pray.
In this age of Kali, singing the Names of the Lord is the easiest way to worship the Lord. It is also the Lord’s favorite. Yet, because it is simple, we find people unable to accept this path of worship.
Once, such a group of people asked Nandanaar, a great devotee of Lord Shiva and one of the 63 Nayanmars, who always had the Lord’s name on his lips, “nAmam sollikondu irundal soru kidaikumo?” –(Will we get food if we keep chanting the Lord’s name?). Pat came reply from Nandanaar – “nAyum kuda soru thinnum nAmam sollumo? (Even a dog can eat food, but can it chant the Lord’s name?). It is only we humans who have been blessed with the power of discretion as well as the ability to speak. Yet, if all we can think of is the physical comforts – food, shelter and procreation, what is then the difference between the five-sensed animals and us? Shouldn’t we use our power of discretion to understand what is the real purpose of life and how to achieve it?
In the song, “Unnai padadha navinal” set in Kalyana Vasantham, Sri Swamiji starts off on a similar note. He wonders what is the use of the power of speech if we don’t use it to sing the glories of the Lord and concludes with a prayer to the Lord to bless him to sing His glories and be in His eternal service. The song and its meaning have been presented here.
unnai pADAda
Raga: Kalyana Vasnatham
unnai pADAda nAvinAl payanuNDo?
UmayAi seviDAi kuruDAi ethanayo pEr tavikka
ithanai aruL seidum unniDam bhakti illayE
nAvinAl un nAmam pADa venDum
manadhinAl unnaiye ninaikka venDum
enDrum unakE sEvai seiyya venDum
engum edilum unnayE kANa venDum
muraLIdaranukku idayE aruLa venDum
Of what use is a tongue that sings not Your praises?
O Panduranga!
As dumb, deaf or blind,
Many unfortunate ones suffer.
You have showered your grace on me yet I have no love towards You!
May my tongue ever sing Your Divine Names!
May my mind ever think of You alone!
May I ever be in Your service alone!
May I see you alone everywhere and in everything!
Pray bestow this (prayer) alone to Muralidhara!
Sowmya Balasubramanian, Fremont CA