In this new series beginning this month, we will present, each month, divine verses and slokas of praise and prayer composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
Sri Radhika Panchakam
When a child wants something, it goes to its mother. The mother would then take the request to the father. She will highlight all the good things the child had done that week and make a case for the child and recommend to the father to grant the request. In fact, had the child gone to the father directly, he couldn’t have made such a good case.
Radha Devi is our eternal mother and Lord Krishna is our father. In a kirtan, Sri Swamiji sings – “Radhai en thAi, kannan en thandai”. If we have to approach the Lord with our own abilities, it will be immensely hard to do so. Instead, what is possible is we can pray to Mother Radha, just like how a child goes to its mother with a request. Our compassionate Mother can then bestow the divine love and recommend us to our Father.
Sri Swamiji has composed a set of five slokas extolling Radha Devi and praying to her for Divine Love. If we read it constantly everyday, Radha Devi will be pleased and bestow us with Divine Love for Krishna.
nandinIM bhAnugopasya bRuhatsAnupureshvarIm |
seve tvAM rAdhike bhaktyA kRuShNabhaktivivRuddhaye || 1 ||
Bhanugopa’s daughter, Barsana’s queen!
O Radhe! I worship thee for love towards Nandakishore to increase multifold.
kRuShNapremamahAbhAvalakShaNAni visheShataH |
tvAmevAshritya rAjante rAdhike mAdhurIsakhi || 2 ||
Signs of divine love, specially and wholly
Manifest on thee solely! O Radhe O Madhuri Sakhi!
kRuShNabhaktipradapremasphuranmRugavilochanAm |
dIrghashyAmalaveNImcha rAdhikAmanishaM bhaje || 3 ||
Enshrining Krishna’s love and exuding divine love in her doe-eyes
With long dark tresses so fine, in my heart O Radhika, I worship thee till the end of time.
mRudulAngIM manjuvANIM mAdhurIM madhubhAShiNIm |
marAlagAminIM devIM rAdhikAM hRudi bhAvaye || 4 ||
Sweet voice so gentle, divine form so tender, Madhuri the embodiment of sweetness, Flowing honeyed words that all adore
Swan-like gait soft and slender O Radhika, all these I shall hold in my core
marakatastambhasaMrAjadvidyutsaudAminIM yathA |
kRuShNamAshlishya tiShThantIM rAdhikAM sharaNaM bhaje || 5 ||
Like a bright flash of lightning on an emerald pillar
Embracing Krishna, Radhika stands. Unto that divinity I surrender!
panchakam rAdhikAdEvyO: prEmasaukhyapradAyakam |
ya: paThEdanisham bhaktyA thasya rAdhA prasIdathi ||
These five stanzas on Sri Radha Devi bestow one with divine love and happiness.
When one reads the Radhika panchakam constantly, Radha Devi is immensely pleased.
By Sowmya Balasubramanian, Houston TX