Namadwaar E-Satsang YouTube Channel
All of Sri Ramanujamji’s complete talks on Intelligent Living, the Mahamantra Anthem, Srimad Bhagavatam Katha, and more, and Sri Ramaswamyji’s Srimad Ramayanam series have been organized into categorized playlists and are available for all to listen. More of their discourses will be organized and made available in the coming weeks.
New short video series on special subjects are also being released:
1. Madhuram Aho Madhuram Series – which feature nectarine explanations by Sri Ramanujamji for Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageetham songs:
2. “I am awed!” Hinduism Q&A Series – which feature insightful answers by Sri Ramanujamji to questions about Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism posed by North American Hindu Youth:
3. Intelligent Living Short Series – which feature #5MinuteWisdom snippets to inspire us to bring positive change in our lives:
(on our sister channel