Raleigh GOD Satsang celebrated Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanthi with Dasama Skanda Parayanam & Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Katha Shravanam. Delightful two days were spent in parayanam and Katha followed by Madhurageetham.
By the immense grace of our Guru Maharaj and the Krupa of Sri Madhuri saki sametha Premika Varadhan Takur ji, On the occasion of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanti, Raleigh GOD satsang organized a Dasama Skanda parayanam on March 27th.
Participants started at 7:30 and continued parayanam until 2:30 on Saturday. We had completed parayanam until 36th chapter. On Saturday, we were very fortunate to have Shri Narayan ji joined us and gave us a small recap of all the Krishna Bala leelas until Govinda Pattabishekam.
The next day the parayanam ended with Rukmini kalyanam. We were very fortunate to hear the entire parayanam along with wonderful madhurageethams and ashtapadi to celebrate several Bala leelas and Rukmini kalyanam. The second day evening we were further graced by a wonderful extensive pravachan on Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu charItra by Sri. Bala ji and Smt. Archana ji with several Bhajans and Bhakti Bhava that Satsang members cherished.