‘Jayathu Sri Madhuravaani’ is a North America wide celebration of Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s nectarine works for Deepavali 2020. Sloka Challenge was based on Sri Swamiji’s divine verses, slokas of praise and prayer compositions. The event was conducted on November 21 and 22 2020 from 9am to 1pm PST via the medium of Zoom. Close to 140 kids participated in the event. On Saturday, November 21st, kids participated in the sloka recital challenge. On Sunday, November 22nd, kids and young adults participated in the sloka verse exposition challenge, where each participant took one verse from either Mahamantra Anthem or Kali Dharma Undiyar and did a wonderful exposition of that verse. 22 participants participated in the sloka verse exposition.