By the immense grace and compassion of Sri Swamiji, GOD Satsang Bay Area celebrated Radha Kalyana Mahotsav on Saturday, September 12th 2020 in the morning from 10am to 3pm. The Radha Kalyanam was conducted in the traditional Sampradaya style and the devotees rendered all the 24 Ashtapatis. The satsang took place via zoom and close to 25 families participated. The evening then unfolded with a surprise satsang, a special Oonjal and Deepostav for the Divine Couple. All the Satsang families came together to render Madhurageethams and the satsang concluded with Mahamntra and prayer.
It was indeed a memorable celebration and prayers to Sri Swamiji to bless us with more and more satsangs.
Radha Kalyanam and Oonjal Utsav in Bay Area, CA