By the immense grace of His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara SwamiJi and the abundant grace of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Sri Premika Varada TakurJi, Namadwaar Virginia had a weekend filled with bliss on July 29th and 30th.
At Namadwaar on Saturday, July 29th, we hosted the Nikunjostav event, which featured a delightful Madhurageetham recital performed by Sow. Shreya Rajesh and Sow. Vedhashruthi Rajesh.
It was a delight to hear and the audience enjoyed it. After the concert, we sang Kaliyayum bali kollum kirtan and Maha Arati. Dinner prasad was served.
On Sunday, July 30th , Virginia Namadwaar celebrated the Radha Madhav vivah. The divine Lordships, adorned with jewels and garlands, were gracefully seated on their swing. The satsang started with Mahamantra Nama Sankirtan. After Guru vandhanam, Dhyana slokas, the devotees rendered thodaya mangalam. Radha, Krishna kirtans were rendered. The Radha kalyanam padhathi, Kalyana Ashtapati, Choornikai, Mangalashtakam and Mangalya daranam were recited. Flowers were offered to the divine couple while the devotees chanted Radha Krishna Namavali. Sampradaya kirtans for Radha kalyanam was also rendered. Anjaneyar kirtans and prayers kirtans were rendered. The satsang concluded with Kaliyayum bali kollum kirtan and Maha Arati. Lunch Maha prasad was served. Around 100.devotees attended this satsang and were blessed.