Over the weeekend of 27-30th October, Sri Swamiji’s 50th Jayanti celebrations was conducted in Houston Namadwaar with all grandeur. On Thursday (Jayanti Day), Akhanda Nama was performed for 12 hours in the presence of His Holy Padukas. Following the Akhanda Nama, Paduka pooja was performed.
On Friday, Oct 28, evening, Mahamantra was chanted for an hour. Then many new kirtans of Sri Swamiji (learnt from madhuragitam.org) were sung, followed by a beautiful pravachan on Guru Mahima by 10-year-old Mukund, son of Jeevan and Lekshmi Nair. Mukund spoke nicely and confidently on “Guru Ashtakam – Sariram Surupam….” and expanded with 3 or 4 stories to highlight the greatness of Guru.
On Saturday, Oct 29 morning, Mahamantra was chanted for 2 hours, followed by Puranava Quiz contest. Team of Muktha Nair and Tejna Dasari won the trophy. Then, the eagerly awaiting Satsang families, watched Sri Swamiji’s beautiful video address on Nama Prabhavam and were touched immensely as He mentioned each one of their names, and the names of all international satsang families.
Later on Saturday afternoon, Anna Daanam (providing free food) was offered to hundreds of Bhutanese refugees, to commemorate Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi. The Bhutanese coincidentally had their Diwali Celebrations program scheduled on the same day/time when the Houston Namadwaar offered to do anna danam for them. A few local Indian restaurants graciously agreed to support the cause. About 300+ from the Bhutanese community had gathered to celebrate at the venue. Sri Aravindji from the satsang in Dallas, TX, addressed them in Hindi for a few minutes and spoke on the greatness and power of the Divine Name. About 300 to 400 people chanted Hare Rama – with hope and prayers in their hearts, and gratitude to our gesture of anna danam for their program.
An Akhanda Nama was performed on Sunday, Oct 30, from 9 am to 6 pm to wrap up the Jayanti Celebrations.