Blog Archives

When someone does business in a place for a few thousands of rupees, he can accurately account for his property. But if he is a multi-billionaire with businesses in many countries, he himself would not be able to enlist all …


Only when a tree has ripe fruits does a parrot come on its own accord to eat the fruits – not even when the tree has flowers or unripe fruits. Likewise only when good merits accrued over millions of births …


A frog croaks and unwittingly signals to the snake to swallow it, thereby losing its life! Likewise every moment spent in gossip and worthless talk is a signal and an invitation to Yama ( God of Death) to come and …


Think God! Thank God!  | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Accepting one’s fault is great; Finding a solution not to repeat it is greater; Putting that solution to practice is the greatest! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

If you are Advaithi, be a perfect Advaithi and chant the Mahamantra. If you are a Vishishtadvaithi, be a perfect Vishishtadvaithi and chant the Mahamantra. If you are a Dvaithi, be a perfect Dvaithi and chant the mahamantra, because the …


There lived a sadhu called Omkar. He was in the state of total silence for 6 years continuously. A devotee asked him to share his experience of being in silence for six long years. To this question, the Sadhu simply …


A valiant soldier should sharpen his sword to strike the enemy. He can be called neither valorous nor intelligent if he uses the sharpened sword on himself. Similarly, sharpening one’s intellect by poring through the scriptural texts is in order …


Attempting to control the mind while having variety of tasty dishes is like desiring to sit and stand at the same time! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Our father, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, is ready and willing to give us, his children, his unbound treasure in the form of jnana (knowledge). To attain that all that we have to do is to lead a life that pleases him. …


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