Blog Archives

If the Almighty demands anything from us while we do not have the capacity to offer, would it not sadden us? So what does He do? He first bestows the capability on the one from whom he desires to have …


Though there may be several Mahans during our lifetime, our minds/hearts are drawn only to one or two Mahans. This does not mean that the others are not Mahans. It only means that we have no relationship with them. Each …


If we ask anyone to do a job which (s)he loves, work is done perfectly and with joy. When we ask someone to do something which (s)he does not like, it is done grudgingly and hence imperfectly! Similarly, when we …


You cannot correct the world. Each one has his own vasana; hence, will act only as per his vasana. You cannot correct others. You should correct only yourself. Of what use is it in advising others to correct themselves without …


Mind (‘manas’) is verily the worst sin! Destroying the mind is the greatest ‘punya’ (merit)! | — HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

One is truly wise if he exactly knows all that he does not know! | – His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

All work that we carry on has a selfish drive (‘swartham’) behind it. We befriend or get acquainted with someone with the motive that he might help us in securing a job or help us in our business. We befriend …


A Yogi with lot of effort controls his breath and holds the Lord within him but in the case of a Bhakta it is the Lord who goes around him! | – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

If someone can instill in you, faith on Krishna, then He is the Master that you can have faith on.| – HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

When one commits a mistake, doesn’t he take utmost care and caution to ensure that it is not known to others? One should take similar care and caution to be totally inconspicuous when he does an act of public good. …


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