Sridhara This riveting memoir by Sri Ramanujamji, disciple of Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, was first published in 2012 on the global Namadwaar website and the Tamil Madhuramurali magazine. In this series, Sri Ramanujamji details a divine journey to interior Karnataka with Sri Swamiji (in late 2011), with a lovely unfolding of their experiences and studded with lovely insights shared by Sri Swamiji throughout the trip.
We are re-publishing this series in this GOD USA newsletter with permission, so all devotees can once again relish and travel on this divinely insightful journey.
Read the earlier episodes of this travelogue here:
Part 1 The Journey Begins:
Part 2 The Journey is the End:
Part 3 Sri Swamiji’s Nectarine Downpour:
Part 4 – A Surprising Discovery
The fortunate ones who have had the opportunity to be with Sri Swamiji could not have helped noticing this divine quality of ‘absorption’ (tanmayam in a divine bhAvam). When Sri Swamiji takes us to Brindavan, for more than a month before the yatra, Sri Swamiji would only be talking, thinking , speaking, lecturing on Brindavana mahatmyam, glory of the Gopis and Krishna leela. At that time all the kirtans that pour out of him would be filled with Prema rasa of the highest order, and would be about Krishna, Brindavan and Radha Devi. Even casual conversations while talking, walking or travelling would be centered only around Brindavanam. Lectures at Premika Bhavanam or Madhurapuri Ashram would be only about Brindavana mahatmyam or Bhagavatam. If he began to speak about Sri Krishna from Srimad Bhagavatam, it would continue for days. Sri Swamiji would carry us to the world of Brindavanam long before we step into the physical Brindavanam at Vraja bhoomi. At that point of time no other bhAva or thought would be noticed in him.
If it were Dwaraka yatra, the whole bhAva, bhAshana and bhajana (the divine mood, divine lectures and divine kirtans) all would be directed towards Srinathji and Dwarakdeesha, devotees of Srinathji like Sri Vallabhacharyaji, Surdasji, Krishnadasji and others, Sri Vallbha Sampradaya and their service to Srinathji, etc. If Sri Swamiji were to lecture on Ramayana in Tiruvanamalai in Bhagavan Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram, the days preceding this divine function and many days post this great utsav would find our Sri Swamiji in constant thoughts and talks of Sri Rama, Hanumanji, etc.
For a second person observing this, even if he is able to understand or appreciate it, it is indeed something that is beyond comprehension of the intellect! Yet now and then, we can also observe some things that are within the reach of our intellect. When Sri Swamiji was immersed in a particular bhAva, even people, publications, prasadams that all come during these periods would be surprisingly and perfectly aligned to that ‘bhAva’ of Sri Swamiji! Someone connected with that deity or mahatma would come visit Sri Swamiji, or divine prasad from that kshetra would come to Sri Swamiji, or someone would give him a book related to that mahatma. These things would happen very naturally. There would be no effort to obtain these from Sri Swamiji or anyone around him. And this would happen not just once, but many such incidents will happen along the same lines. For those near Sri Swamiji, this would not be new at all. Yet it would be surprising! In this madhura Karnataka yatra also, this was the case.
The home of Sri Naveen Bhat’s father Sri Gopal Bhat ji, was very picturesque. The house was a little below road level and had a lovely view all around. The whole family was brimming with love and welcomed Sri Swamiji warmly. We stayed there for a couple of hours. An uncle of Sri Yogesh Bhat/Sri Naveen Bhat invited Sri Swamiji to his own home, which was a about 3 kilometers away. We all went to his home along with Sri Swamiji. That was when we understood that there is a profound reason behind even things that seem to happen ‘casually’!
The uncle’s house was very beautiful. It was surrounded by betelnut trees. A small stream flowed behind the house, which was at the foot of a hill. It was a forest! It was green and filled with various trees, especially betelnut trees and also various climbers, shrubs etc. They even mentioned casually that tigers and bears would frequent the backyard many a time! It was lovely and transported us to a different era of simplicity, solitude and rustic beauty. The ancestral house was spacious and lovely. Sri Swamiji conversed with them in sweet Kannada. After seeing the house, when Sri Swamiji was about to leave, they invited him to their puja room. As soon as he entered the puja room, he saw a picture of a sadhu and immediately asked, ‘This is Sri Sridhara Swami, isn’t it?’ The hosts nodded in affirmation and were surprised because it was not common for people from Tamil Nadu to be aware of him.
Now I need to digress a little and give a little background. For the past six months, Sri Swamiji had been reading several books on Sri Sridhara Swami. He had also asked many others to read the books. Sri Swamiji had been impressed very much by Sri Sridhara Swami’s life. He had been speaking frequently to many devotees about several sweet incidents from his life.
When he saw the mahatma’s picture in Sri Naveen Bhat’s relative’s house, he asked the host about the whereabouts of the adishtanam of Sri Sridhara Swami. To our utter surprise and Sri Swamiji’s sheer delight, the adishtanam was less than 50 miles from the place where we were staying! Knowing our beloved Sri Swamiji, who has utmost regard and respect for all sadhus irrespective of their school of philosophy and marga, we knew that our evening agenda had been divinely set now!
That evening, on the way to Sri Sridhara Swami’s adishtanam, Sri Swamiji once again read the book on his charitram. Sri Swamiji looked at photos of the mahaan and told us, “See how bright his eyes are! How his child-like face is glowing! Are these not signs of divinity flowering within? We all are going to a very holy place today; to the adishtanam of this great mahaan!” And just like that, he began his divine downpour about Sri Sridhara Swami’s divine charitra!
The madhura yatra continues…
M.K. Ramanujamji, disciple of Sri Swamiji
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