
Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a woman by name Sabari. She wandered about the forest, ate whatever she came across and lived more like an animal. One day, she happened to pass by a place in …


“Yasya nisvasitam vedah” – Vedas are the breath of God or the Self, it is said. The Vedas, blessed to us by the Lord, stress on the fact that realizing God or Self is the ultimate purpose of life. These …


The cinema theater is dark except for the huge, brightly lit screen. We are there to watch a science fiction thriller. As the events unfold on the screen, we are absorbed into the movie. We smile, laugh, cry and despair …


“God is hungering only for love. He is not satisfied with mere religious forms and ceremonial worship. Pure love and devotion alone satisfies Him,” Papa Ramdas used to say. In this context, he narrates a beautiful story. [This story has been …


February is the month when Love is celebrated. During Lord Krishna’s avatara, the one place where He was loved the most was in Vrindavan. Let’s see if you can crack this crossword about the place and its people. Across 2 …


December is music season in Chennai, India. Classical musicians and music enthusiasts gather there at this time every year to immerse themselves in an ocean of rhythm and melody, and to celebrate the music of India that has none other …


The Pandavas were very pious, brave, lived a righteous life and were adored by all. Above all they were ardent devotees of Lord Sri Krishna, who was their cousin, and hence had Him on their side. The Kauravas, who lacked …


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered Indian saints of the twentieth century, is known for his advocation of the Advaitic path of Self Enquiry as a way to liberation. But there is another path that he gave …


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered Indian saints of the twentieth century, is known for his advocation of the Advaitic path of Self Enquiry as a way to liberation. But there is another path that he gave equal importance and credibility to, …


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