
Who can refute the fact that it is only due to the grace of the Almighty that everything happens in this world? But this does not mean we should refrain from carrying out our duties. That will only be escapism. Nor can …


Pages of Inspiration–Book Review Book: Mister God, This is Anna Author: Fynn Publisher: Ballantine Books, First Edition 1974 “The diffrense [sic] from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a …


The Divine Names that one chants are his true protection. In fact, the Divine Names serve as protection to the very owner of the Divine Name! In Krishna avatara, the Divine Name of Krishna served as a protection to Lord Krishna …


Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss Excerpts from the discourses/writings of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India.** It is natural for birds to fly in a cluster and animals to move about in groups. Man searches for company wherever …


Memorial Day, which is observed on the last Monday of May in the USA, commemorates all the soldiers who died while in military service. Wars and battles have been a part of the world since time immemorial. Through the ages, …


The divine soil of Bharat has been fertile with innumerable saints from time immemorial. Such rare gems have been born all over Bharat. Many of them sang the glories of the Lord and were a living embodiment of Bhakti (devotion). …


Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss Excerpts from the discourses of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India.** How does man commit an offense? The very first time, he is afraid to do the wrong deed. He makes multiple attempts, …


Attaining moksha is considered to be the highest goal of life and our scriptures prescribe various ways to reach that supreme goal. The same scriptures also emphasize that in this Kali Yuga, there is only one possible route to the …


Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a woman by name Sabari. She wandered about the forest, ate whatever she came across and lived more like an animal. One day, she happened to pass by a place in …


Among the innumerable devotees of Lord Vishnu, 12 of them stand out. They were the ‘Azhwars’ who were bathed in unflinching devotion to the Lord and composed thousands of devotional verses on the Lord. A compilation of these verses is …


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