Cherished Memoirs 91 – My Guru As I See Him
Arunachaleshwara’s Grace
This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine.
This month’s article is by Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman, from Madhuramurali magazine, May 1997 issue.
Thiruvannaamalai is one of the holy kshetras that Sri Swamiji often loves to visit. Sri Swamiji used to say that every animal or bird that lives in this town has the divinity of Lord Shiva. Almost every time Sri Swamiji visits Tiruvannaamalai, he would do Giri Pradakshina (circumambulate the holy hill). Sometimes, he would go with his devotees. While circumambulating, he would do Nama Sankirtan with devotees and talk about the greatness of Parameshwara on those occasions. Sometimes, he would go by himself in solitude.
He would feel the bliss by sitting on several spots up on the mountain. He would meditate for hours together, sitting in the caves there. Then he would visit the temple and stay with the sadhus there.
From the town’s main Arunachaleshwara temple, the view of the mountain is stunning, especially as one moves towards the Apithakuchambal sannidhi from the Arunachaleshwara sannidhi. Sri Swamiji would just enjoy that view again and again joyously. He would circumambulate the mountain during the pradosha times. Once, the pradosha fell on a Saturday. Since pradosha on a Saturday was auspicious, he circumambulated the mountain and did Rudra Trisathi with the auspicious vilva leaves and offered his respects to the mountain.
Once, a devotee named Sri Ramachandran wanted to circumambulate the mountain with Sri Swamiji. It was during peak summer. While going around the mountain with Sri Swamiji, the devotee lamented, “Oh, it is so hot and I am not able to walk. It would be nice if the heat comes down a bit.” Suddenly, clouds came from nowhere and the severity of heat came down. A cool breeze started blowing. In a little bit, it even started drizzling. By the time the circumambulation was completed, it started raining hard too. Sri Ramachandran was very happy. Sri Swamiji happily responded, “It is all Arunaachaleshwara’s grace!”
Original Tamil article published in Madhuramurali Magazine, May 1997 issue
Chronicled by Smt. Jayanthi Janakiraman
Translated by Smt. Mangala Gowri Sridhar, Jacksonville FL