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In his work Shata sloki (100 verses), Adi Sankara says that in the vasanta ruthu (spring season) a cool breeze blows and fragrant flowers bloom in abundance, bringing joy to all. But neither the season nor the flowers are aware …


The street hawker goes all around the town carrying his pots of good curd and milk screaming at the top of his voice, but nobody comes forward to buy his goods. Illicit liquor is sold away from the public eye, …


Sanatana Dharma, the original name of what is now known as Hinduism, means Universal Righteousness. Sanatana means something which always is, never beginning nor ending, and is eternal in its very essence. Dharma (God’s Natural Law) is the sustainer of the earth. Sanatana Dharma comprises of the spiritual laws that …


Sanatana Dharma, the original name of what is now known as Hinduism, means Universal Righteousness. Sanatana means something which always is, never beginning nor ending, and is eternal in its very essence. Dharma (God’s Natural Law) is the sustainer of …


Profile of a Mahan Many miracles have been associated with Maha Periyava. Maha Periyava composed a song called Maithreem Bhajatha for world peace and communal harmony. M.S. Subbulakshmi had the honor to sing the song at the UN General Assembly …


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