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With the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and Sri Madhuri Sakhi sametha Sri Premika Varadhan, Toronto GOD satsang organized Nama sankirtan satsang as a part of Krishna Janmashtami, on Saturday August 27th at the residence of Sri.Ganesh and Smt.Archana. The satsang …
The month of June’2016 was indeed very memorable to devotees in Toronto as they were blessed to take part in the groundbreaking of GOD satsangs in Toronto by Sri Poornimaji. By the immense grace and compassion of Sri Takurji and …
May 23 – May 24 2016: 2 day discourse on “Hanumath Prabhav” at Bhartiya Cultural Society of Alberta. On the first day Sri Poornimaji highlighted Hanuman Ji’s quality of an expert, yet humble “vidyavAn” to clarify that one’s mastery over …
By the grace of Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Premika Varadhan and Sri Swamiji, Edmonton devotees and and families were blessed to listen to Sri Poornimaji’s discourses for 5 days from May 20 –May 24 2016. Each day, before the discourse, Bhajans, …
As a part of the larger family under the benign umbrella of grace of our beloved Swamiji His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, like every other year, this year too, Global Nama relay was a great success and by-far the …
By Sri Swamiji’s immense grace, the first Satsang in Canada went very well. About 150 people attended the satsang at Ram Krishna Vedic Cultural Center in Richmond, Canada. The satsang commenced with rendition of few kirtans including our Guru Maharaj’s …
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