Date: Nov.23 2007
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Topic: Naama Sankirtan & Spiritual path to Conflict Management in everyday life.
Venue: Residence of Mr. Mahesh, Plano, TX
Pravachan Karta: Kum. Poornima Kumarasami
A 3 day satsang on the greatness of Namakirtan, held in Plano, TX was enjoyed by one and all. Kum. Poornimaji elaborated the benefits of Namakirtan. She said that the thing that makes Namakirtan very easy and simple is that there are no rules for it. She also added that Nama gives the experience of Brahman to whoever chants, irrespective of his/her caste, creed, age, gender, cleanliness, lifestyle, wealth etc.
All the devotees were baffled by the fluency of Poornimaji in her slokams. One of the devotees was amazed at how her head could contain all that she knew from Srimad Bagawatam, Bagawat Gita, Vishnu Sahasranama, the Upanishad, kirtans and lives of great saints like Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Adi Shankara, Sri Tulasidas, Sri Ramana Maharishi etc.
Kum. Poornimaji initiated him to the Mahamantra and he promised to chant it eleven times, twice everyday for the rest of his life.