Namadwaar, Atlanta:
Atlanta Namadwaar Radhashtami Celebrations 2024– Sep 11th and Sep 14th By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and Sri Premikavaradha Thakurji and our beloved Mother Sri Radhai, Atlanta Namadwaar was blessed to celebrate Radhashtami for two days. On Radhashtami, Sep 11th, our little Radhai was seated in a lotus with a grand balloon decoration around her. Madhuragitams pertaining to Sri Radhai were sung with much enthusiasm and love by satsang kids and adults. A devotee had loving prepared a cake and little kids cut the cake. Around fifty devotees attended on the weekday.
On September 14th, we had around one hundred and fifty devotees gather to celebrate Radhashtami with Radha Kalyanam. As always, our bhagavathas mesmerized the audience with their singing. Smt Jeya Kishoreji gave beautiful snippets around Radhai’s love throughout the event. Plenty of seer items were lovingly prepared by the devotees and offered during Kalyanam. After the Kalyanam, three dance performances were offered to the lotus feet of Sri Madhurisakhi sametha Sri Premikavaradha Thakurji.
Celebration pictures:
Various dance performances offered for Radhashtami:
Raleigh, NC:
With Guruji’s Blessings, devotees of GOD Satsang Raleigh participated in Nama Bhikshai organized at Sandhya and Vikram ji residence. We started with Nama Chanting for 30 mins followed by Mahalakshmi ashtotram Radhika Panchakam Madhurageetams and Kolattam. Concluded with Mahamantra Anthem & Mangalam. Radhe Radhe!
Namadwaar, Virginia:
By the immense grace of His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara SwamiJi and the abundant grace of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Sri Premika Varada TakurJi, Namadwaar Virginia celebrated Radhashtami on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at Namadwaar Virginia. Baby Radha was beautifully adorned in a Manjam with Radha Padham. The satsang started with Mahamantra Nama Sankirtan. After Guru vandhanam, the devotees eagerly sang a long list of Madhurageethams on Radha Devi. Then Krishna kirtans were rendered. Prartana kirtans were rendered to our ever compassionate Radha Devi invoking her blessings to ever bestow us with Krishna kainkaryam, nama ruchi and more and more satsangs.
The satsang concluded with Anjaneyar kirtans ,Kaliyayum bali kollum kirtan and Maha Arati. Dinner Mahaprasad was served. Around 20 devotees enthusiastically participated and chanted Nama.
Namadwaar, Dallas:
By the immense grace of our Sri Swamiji and blessing of Takurji, Namadwaar Dallas had a great Radhashtami celebration on Saturday, Sept 14th. The celebration started off with abhishekam of the divine couple while devotees chanted Radha Nama and Mahamantra alternatively. It was a great 2 hour session filled with Radha Nama and Mahamantra chanting while the abhishekam and alankaram was going on for the divine couple. After which the beautifully decked Takurji and Takuraniji were placed in the swing and Radha ashtothra archana was performed. This was followed by rendition of various madhura gitams on Radha Rani while women folk did kolattam around Bhagavan.
Later that evening, after sunset, deepotsav was offered to the divine couple with more madhura gitam offering. Sri Ramuji graciously addressed the devotees from India despite it being early hours of the morning in India.
Namadwaar, Houston:
Sri Radha Devi’s divine descent was celebrated at Namadwaar Houston / Sri Aishwarya Srinivasa Perumal temple on Friday Sep 13 by singing kirtans on Sri Radha Devi, Sri Radha Devi pada puja by little Gopis and Gopas, kolattam/dandiya by little Gopis.
Celebration pic: